How to Conceive A Boy With Foods Intake

How to conceive a boy

Planning to start a family and thinking about controlling the gender of your offspring. Well there is less of science and more of instinct behind this but when it comes to eating healthy food in hopes of conceiving a baby boy, i say go ahead as its not just harmless but rather a healthy option to pick. Science says a male and female chromosome must fuse and result into a fetus. If the chromosome is resulting into one X and one Y from a male resulting into a boy. Let us learn how to have a boy with some foods you never thought can help you get pregnant with a boy.

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Some foods to conceive a boy:

There are some foods which are believed to help you in conceiving a baby boy. These may be dissed by science but popular vote makes them accepted by most women around. When its not about anything metaphorically outrageous but rather comprising a healthy diet than why not taking it for the betterment of any gender you would conceive. And if it affects the gender so be it.

1- Banana:

Bananas are rich source of potassium and all important minerals and vitamins. Potassium favors the survival of male sperm and helps in enriching the chances of conceiving a baby boy. If you are trying to get pregnant and wish for a healthy baby boy then begin consuming more and more banana each day. It will definitely help your health and wellness in addition to getting pregnant with boy baby.

2- Citrus fruits:

Citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, kiwi, grapefruit, berries and lemon are power packed with anti-oxidants and other nutritive values. These citrus fruits are rich source of Vitamin C and thus alkalize our body. This favors in conceiving a baby boy. Consume more of these citrus fruits and see how you can control the gender of your baby yet to be conceived.

Citrus fruits

3- Salty snacks:

Eating salty snacks like chips, salted nuts and more can help add more potassium to your body. And we now know how potassium favors conceiving a baby boy. Only until you conceive you must consume these salty delights and when you are pregnant avoid them as they are dangerous to your body.

4- Breakfast cereals to naturally conceive a baby boy:

Eating breakfast cereals is the rich fiber addition to your body. There are even researches suggesting women who eat more of breakfast cereals have baby boys than their peers who don’t consume them that much. Breakfast cereals have higher content of minerals and vitamins and also higher intake of calories. This nutrient rich environment facilitates the male conception more than female baby. This can be a healthy strategy to conceive a baby boy

5- Have foods rich in glucose:

High glucose environment supports male sperm and helps in baby boy conception. As glucose ensures a diet rich in calories and a healthy environment for baby inside. Do no increase sweets and sugars as they just lead to gestational diabetes but rather opt for healthier glucose choices in fruits

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6- Mushrooms for conceiving a baby boy:

Mushrooms are excellent source of vitamins and minerals like potassium Vitamin D, selenium and Vitamin B. Vitamin D and potassium increase the chances of conceiving baby boy immensely. Include mushrooms in your daily diet if you are planning to conceive a baby boy

7- Avoid dairy and more potassium rich foods:

Broccoli, banana, almond, sprouts, wheatgrass and sweet potato for conceiving a baby boy. Avoid spicy foods and dairy like milk, yogurt and cheese

Avoid dairy and more potassium rich foods


The above compilation on How to conceive a boy with foods intake is just a generic guide and in no way has been established by scientific researches. Be sure to consult your gynecologist before attempting any of the above foods. Though they are healthy foods but look out for specific allergies

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